Welcome to D-tek-TION Security » A Canadian Five Star Rated Company 
DtekTION Security Systems Inc. staff attended the O.A.C.P. (Ontario Chief of Police) Conference in Kingston, Ontario last June; they chose this venue to unveil the new (to Canada) policing surveillance and intrusion detection system engineered for specifically to assist policing agencies. DtekTION attended the O.S.U.M. (Ontario Small Urban Municipalities) conference in Stratford last May and presented the Videofied Security/Alarm Systems. The information was well received.
D-tek-TION Security Systems Incorporated has been providing professional security services throughout Simcoe County, the City of Barrie, Innisfil, and surrounding areas since 2003. Our security family includes the entire spectrum of family homes, professional offices, construction sites, commercial and industrial buildings and personal emergency response systems.
We specialize in personalizing and designing security systems based on your family lifestyle or commercial needs. Neither too large or too small, D-tek-TION Security has the ability to deliver the most sophisticated and sensitive security solutions anywhere and anytime. No power, no phone lines - No problem!
You will learn our company is one of a select few security dealers in Canada and in North America to provide the world acclaimed and International Best Product Award winner - Videofied™ Security. It can single-handedly detect crimes-in-progress and eliminate the age-old problem of false alarms. Learn more...
Our associates have over 100 years of front line practical policing experience, which is additionally fortified by our in-depth security systems and peripheral sensor knowledge. Our company has the unequalled insight into the "how, when, where and why's" that must be understood and applied in order to design a value-added security system for you.
Let us conclude this part of your visit by introducing our "All-Canadian Five-Star Maple Leaf" quality rating program. We are proud to admit it has been developed and introduced by our company. The "10-leaf" rating system is based on the individual site/premises (to be secured), the immediate and surrounding environment and the specific "strength" (or weakness) of an installed or recommended security system. Our company ratings are frequently requested during our Switch Over and Save (S.O.S.) program free visitations. It provides the accountability clients deserve when determining their security provider.
Please enjoy the remainder of our site. We look forward to your call and providing the security you deserve.